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Early Punk Rock Fliers from the Lehigh Valley!
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Lehigh Valley Underground Music Archive
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Early Punk Rock Fliers from the Lehigh Valley!
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Lance Labar
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Sing, Bird of Prey + Steve O and the Crippling Addictions + McGarnagle at Coffeehouse Without Limits
ArtsFest 2015 at Cedar Beach Park in Allentown, (Pa.)
McGarnagle + Rentstrike + Koala Tea Time + Everyone Except Me + Tedd Hazard at Podrum Mahzeni
Billy Mack Collector + Pill Friends + Chronically Awkward + McGarnagle at The Coven
5th Annual Halloween Cover Show at The Funhouse
Perfect Future + Ma Jolie + Reservoir + Explorers at The Coven
Two Piece Fest Nine at First Unitarian Church [2016]
Jeffrey Lewis at Hava Java Cafe [2014]
Joe Jack Talcum + Billy Mack Collector + McGarnagle + Teenage Halloween + The Banzai Tree at Consolidated Cardboard
Sing, Bird of Prey + McGarnagle at the Funhouse
Two Days of Concerts at the Mune: Highburnator + Buddy Loves Coconuts + Daywand + Garett + Ningen Kiki + McGarnagle + Out of System Transfer + Pink Hex
A Festivus Concert featuring McGarnagle + Nocht the Only Ghouls + Naps + Child Stars at Coffeehouse Without Limits [2015]
Cyti Gui + Bunny Savage + McGarnagle + Pete Best at Connie's Ric Rac
Elsewhere in August + Seismic Thrust + McGarnagle at Bond Villain
Sing, Bird of Prey + Ratboys + Slingshot Dakota at ArtsQuest Blast Furnace Room
Out of System Transfer + McGarnagle + Ningen Kiki + Pink Hex at The Mune (last Mune show ever)
Petunia + King Kong and the Bleeding Hearts + McGarnagle at The Pharmacy
Luna Soltera + Doghouse and the Buck Knife + McGarnagle + Mime Tribes at The Keys (Scranton)
Best Weekend: A Tape Swap Radio and Killer Tofu Records Summer Slam [2016]
Ningen Kiki + Chewbacca's Sac + Daywand + McGarnagle at the Alternative Art Gallery
Multimedia Mayhem featuring Cyti Gui at Connie's Ric Rac
Second Annual Noisegasm at the Alternative Gallery
Georgia Foreman + McGarnagle + Cerulean Blue + Doghouse Charlie at the Alternative Gallery [2018]
Rogai + The Beings + McGarnagle at Lit Roastery
Nocht the Only Ghouls + Nate Mays +Johnny Nos + McGarnagle at Hausu
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