Subject is exactly
Military Personnel
Ensign Doesn't Like Nazi Prisoners' Faces
Now a Seaman 1-c
Youths From Area Become Air Cadets
Youths Entering Service Given Farewell Dinner
Wounded Soldier "Improving Normally"
Wounded In Action
Women in Service Assist in Recruit Drive
With Army Air Force
Wins Sergeant Stripes
Wins Second Stripe
Wins Honors
Wins His Wings
Wind Gap Soldier Meets Brother-In-Law At Overseas Base
Win Gunner's Wings
Widely Seperated Brothers Advanced
WAVES To Entrain
WAVES Start Training
WAVES Start Service
WAVES Release Enough Men To Man Carrier
WAVES Accept 22 Applicants At Allentown
War Casualty List Includes Area Soldiers
WACS to Get Women From Valley Area
WACS Assigned
WAACS Begin Training