- "Police should avoid situations that increase the likelihood of lethal force and should work alongside mental health professionals in de-escalating conflict."
- "The entire community should have the opportunity to address our own racial biases"
- "Police must acknowledge and apologize for the historical patterns of abuse"
- A "to-do" list from Prof Ochs
- "Freedom from ignorance . . . as we learn to change our fate"
- Olympia has "crisis responders" and a "Familiar Faces" program
- A county-level Use of Deadly Force Investigative Task Force
- Jason Rehm's history of Bethlehem streets, part 2
- Community Assistance Liaison program in St. Petersburg
- "Freedom from poverty . . . We know it's not too late"
- Students of color again tell it like it is
- Council opposition a head-scratcher
- Presence of the homeowner the sticking point for proposed short-term rental legislation
- Minneapolis Announces Plan To Replace Police Officers With Thousands Of Heavily Armed Social Workers
- CAHOOTS: symbiotic relationship with the police better serves some residents
- "CAHOOTS" program in Eugene, Oregon, sends medic and crisis worker on non-emergency calls
- "Freedom from violence from those who intimidate . . . Everybody needs FREE-DOM"
- Remember the new Greenway Farmer's Market Fridays 2-6
- Police model: embedded community liaison and monthly meeting with a Multicultural Advisory Committee
- It's time for an enthusiastic effort to engage more of the community
- Hiroshima deserves far more than a fleeting thought
- What's happening in Minneapolis? A plan to disband the police in favor of a Department of Safety and Violence Prevention
- August 6: a controversial anniversary
- "Where believers of many nations came to worship free . . . Let's live out the best part of our legacy"
- "Where is the public in this process?"