- The history of Bethlehem's streets, West Bethlehem into Hanover Township
- Gadfly closes in on a Columbus decision
- Accountability the key to addressing the perception that police are racist
- Residents chatter about a traffic stop video around Gadfly's water cooler
- Is defunding the police systemically racist?
- BAPL "courageous conversation" on racism Tuesday
- Gadfly's train of thought on the Columbus issue productively interrupted
- Peaceful disagreement is not an oxymoron
- Gadfly a step closer toward taking a position on the Columbus monument issue
- "We all need to be aware of what can and will taint our water supply"
- Anti-racism on the move in Parkland curriculum
- What if your house was ground zero for the virus?
- Gadfly works toward taking a position on the Columbus monument issue
- Lay offs at Wind Creek
- Touchstone's Festival UnBound does it again -- Aloud -- Saturday 8PM
- "I ask for you to close your eyes and imagine. Imagine a curriculum . . ."
- Avoid analysis paralysis, listen to the stories
- Seattle re-imagines policing
- Kott: "There's no denying this is a critical time in law enforcement"
- Mayor chooses Michelle Kott as next Police Chief
- "Do something good . . . Is labeling someone a racist doing good?"
- Second meeting on the Climate Action Plan October 7 -- Be there!
- Hispanic Center: Racial Justice for Stronger Community! October 27
- Useful voting info
- 1619 v. 1776