- Planning the Southside's future
- Budget meeting watchers please report!
- Lets put some boom in the Zoom! Tonight . . . 6:30
- Urgent! meeting tonight on future of Southside! 6:30 Please Zoom in!
- Pandemic suggestion
- Lehigh spikes (again)!
- The Wage Equality Ordinance passes
- News about the pedestrian/bike bridge vote
- Death and taxes in Bethlehem: the Mayor reports on the virus and the budget
- Second budget meeting Thursday 6PM
- BAPL's Josh Berk writes 'em too
- Gadfly goes to the primary sources –the bridges!
- Jim Thorpe's Mansion Bridge a boon to tourism, heavily used
- How does LVGNA see first contact?
- Act now -- even before now! -- to support the pedestrian/bike bridge feasibility study
- Bethlehem City Council meeting tomorrow night Tuesday, November 17, 7PM
- City Stormwater meeting Tuesday 5:30
- One cyclist hurt, one killed -- hit by cars on Fahy Bridge
- Let's fund the study and the bridge privately
- Councilman Reynolds nudges the Chief for a plan
- Gadfly "talks" bridges with Councilman Callahan
- The Wage Equity ordinance comes up for a vote at Council Tuesday
- Gadfly continues his "conversation" with LVGNA
- "Defunders" criticize the proposed police budget; the "defenders" are absent
- Colon and Kott eye a "Hub" program