- Require Crisis training on a par with shooting training!
- Recognizing the Original Inhabitants of This Area
- "Examining the total impact of any product involves a deep look into all of the resources used in production, transportation, use, and disposal"
- Councilman Reynolds requests a Community Engagement Plan outline from the City
- Just out: the fall "Sustainable Lehigh Valley"
- Let's do the responsible thing
- Residents chatter about the December 1 City Council meeting around Gadfly's water cooler
- Budget briefs
- Lots for Council to think about
- Residents who support modifying the police budget
- Drum roll! Draft Climate Action Plan debuts December 9
- Reprinted from October 17: "What are the alternatives to calling the police?"
- Residents support police, reject defunding
- What Allentown did with police budgeting
- "We might need to get back to the basics of what the City's core mission is"
- Gotta be a better way
- Fourth budget meeting Thursday 6PM
- "I will continue . . . speaking out against a system that is not applied equally to all"
- Labeling all people willing to speak out for transparency and discussion "Marxists" is shameful
- President Waldron: no will on Council to defund or eliminate the police department
- Lehigh Valley Good Neighbors Alliance at full throttle for the Council meeting tonight!
- Gadfly models quality conversation
- "Where is the willingness to discuss, rather than to name-call and inflame?"
- "I know jail is likely the worst place for a person like him to be"
- The need for quality public conversation